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Tummy Tuck

What is a tummy tuck?

Also known as abdominoplasty, a tummy tuck is removal of the lower abdominal excess skin and fat. It also involves tightening the abdominal wall or abdominal muscles to create an internal corset to repair what is called diastasis recti. 


This is often paired with liposuction to the upper abdomen, flanks, and even back. It can also be performed at the same time as other cosmetic surgery such as breast surgery, arm lift, or BBL.


Patients with a lot of excess skin particularly after massive weight loss may benefit from removal of skin in the vertical and horizontal dimension called a flour de lis or inverted T abdominoplasty. This leaves you with a scar along the lower abdomen as well as a vertical scar at the midline of the abdomen. 


Many patients need a tummy tuck after child birth due to the stretching of the skin and abdominal muscles so therefore this is sometimes referred, in combination with breast surgery, a "Mommy makeover." This does not mean it's limited to women after child birth. It is also necessary after weight loss as skin can not be "tightened" with working out harder. Men also require this operation with excess skin. 


This patient is 3 months post op from tummy tuck and arm lift (brachioplasty) with also liposuction to the abdomen and flanks. We are loving the results!


This patient is 3 months out from an extended abdominoplasty with liposuction to the abdomen, flanks, and back. Her shape continues to get better as her swelling decreases... which will continue for at least 6 months!

This patient is 6 months post op from abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck. She had a very wide diastasis or separation of ab muscles which with repair really improved her shape. She also lost weight in the post op period to further improve her results. 

This patient is 6 weeks post op from a "Mommy Makeover" to include a mastopexy (breast lift) with NO implants along with tummy tuck and liposuction to the back, abdomen, and flanks. Her scars will continue to fade over 1 year. Swelling will also decrease over 6 months.