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Liposuction is a great tool when the patient has some stubborn areas of fat with minimal excess skin. 

Many times patients have attempted weight loss and these remaining areas will not budge. 


Liposuction is also typically combined with other procedures to help augment results such as with tummy tuck, arm lift, thigh lift, and even the neck with face/necklift. 


Large volume liposuction was performed to improve the boxy back contour and improve the wait line. Fat was then grafted to the buttocks to improve the shape which is also known as Brazilian Butt Lift. 

Patient is seen 3 months post op with good fat retention. You can expect about 50% of fat to remain after swelling subsides. 

This patient was an excellent candidate for liposuction only, because he has minimal skin laxity and overall stubborn areas of fat. Here, he is only 2 wks post op and already has a great result. He will continue to shrink down as his swelling dissipates. 

He also has correction of his gynecomastia through liposuction of his chest wall. 

Total areas addressed:

Upper and lower abdomen, chest wall, flanks, lower back. 

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